Cave Map
An environment map of a cave created in Unreal Engine 4 that is designed to create an atmosphere of stillness and mystery through audio and light levels. The goal of this project was to create a virtual environment while following the industry standard pipeline of building and texturing props from references and then constructing an environment around them. Research was conducted throughout this process to determine best practices for model creation and working in Unreal Engine. The final result was an atmospheric map that leads players from one end to the other through effective use of natural boundaries, lighting, model placement, and attention to detail.
Environment Packs Used:
“Soul: Cave,” by Epic Games.
“Landscape Backgrounds,” by Gokhan Karadayi.
“Soul: City,” by Epic Games.
“Paragon: Agora and Monolith Environment,” by Epic Games.
“Open World Demo Collection,” by Epic Games.